
This years theme focuses on joy as a transformative force in education for students and teachers alike. Joy can inspire. It can increase creativity, reduce stress, and create a ripple effect of positivity. It can carry us through difficult times. Joy can even transcend the classroom.  Joy can connect with students. It can make them feel welcome, included, and safe.  At Asilomar 71, we will celebrate joy as a guiding force in rediscovering our passion for teaching, creating inclusive classrooms where every voice is valued, empowering students through equity and self-determination, engaging deeply with literature, language, and writing, and reimagining education as a pursuit of justice and hope. We look forward to sharing this joy with you!

"I consider joy a pursuit — like identity, skills, intellect, and criticality — because it should change and evolve over time, and be student-centered. Unlike standards, pursuits move students toward the ultimate goals of self-determination, self-empowerment, and self-liberation, and not just success on a standardized test."
                                                                                       — Gholdy Muhammad, Unearthing Joy

"We cant self-care our way out of toxic systems, and we cant relationship build our way out of a toxic school culture. But teachers do have agency! The classroom can become its own little ecosystem—a semi-autonomous zone where we reimagine what joy, accountability, and community look like. Finding your agency and owning your power and influence in the classroom will lead to better outcomes for your students – and help you reconnect to the joy of teaching."
                                                                                                        —Deonna Smith, Rooted in Joy


3:30-9:00pm Registration (Chapel)

4:30-5:30pm Reception (Scripps Patio)

6:00-7:00pm Dinner

7:15-8:30pm Opening Session: “Building and Sustaining the Joyful Classroom”

8:45-9:45pm GROUP SESSION #1

7:30-8:45am Breakfast

8:00-5:45pm Bookstore Open (Scripps)

9:00-10:30am GROUP SESSION #2

10:30-10:50am Coffee Break

10:50-12:00pm GROUP SESSION #3

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:30-3:00pm GROUP SESSION #4


4:00-5:30pm Reception and Book Signing

6:00-7:00pm Dinner

7:15-10:00 pm Around the Hearth A - Joyful Dance
7:15-8:30 pm Around the Hearth B: Poetry Open Mic

8:45-10:00 Around the Hearth C - Finding Joy in Resistance

SUNDAY, October 5

7:30-9:00am Breakfast
*Pick up boxed lunch orders after breakfast

8:00-9:30am Bookstore Open

9:15-11:15am GROUP SESSION #5

12:00-1:00pm Lunch


 Link to Registration.

                                             Early Bird           After May 15
CATE Member                       $300                       $400
NON-CATE Member            $350                        $450

The accommodation fee includes two nights’ lodging and six (6) meals (Friday dinner, served from 6-7pm, through Sunday lunch). If you choose a SHARED ROOM--you and your roommate must provide each other’s names in the registration form--we will not be partnering attendees). Participants lodging off-grounds must pay the off-grounds fee because Asilomar provides meeting rooms paid in part by lodging fees. Off-grounds fee does not include meals; to add meals choose off-grounds w/meals, an additional $220 (six meals).

Single Room + Meals: $655                      Off-Grounds: $85
Shared Room + Meals: $430                    Off-Grounds + Meals: $305